Sunday, July 13, 2008

Used to be a Mom to a ...

bundle of puppies...


Now I am a real Mom.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Big Tummy and Little Puppy

I never want to upload a preggy picture until now because I looked puffed up and fat. Look at my arms and my nose, I know it may be common for pregnant to look fat but I am really big.
Ain't the puppy cute? He adores me!
Next time, I want my picture taken with Cassie and the puppies.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Goodbye My Little First Born Shih Tzu

Oh what a pain to experience loss and goodbyes.
Even for a little puppy.
It's been two days since she was sold and I am so attached to her.
I can't help but feel sad and until now I can't stop from crying.
I look like a fool crying over a puppy.
Well the last time I cried was when the other puppy has eye infection.
That was last Thursday, a week ago.
I also cried silently when I gave this little puppy away.
Now, I thought of getting her back and keeping them all to myself.
But I am pregnant and will be having a baby soon.
Of course, I can't take it back.
I have to deal with the pain.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Two Months Old Shih Tzu and Lessons Learned From Dogs

Just want to share the latest pictures of our puppies. Aren't they cute?
Raising puppies is like raising multiple twins or perhaps raising a household of kids.
Puppies get jealous too, if you play with one, the other will complain, you have to play with all of them. If you carry one, you have to carry them all.

The ordinal position of being youngest or eldest also holds true in puppies. The first born tend to be so bossy and a leader. The second born is always jealous of the first born, they are always quarreling. The next two are mellow and they are often bullied by the eldest and the second puppy. My favorite is the youngest because she is very sweet and dependent that makes her so appealing. She would wimp whenever she wants to be carried and she always follows me around. She already recognizes her owner.

Irwin and I shared the responsibility of caring for these puppies. He would clean the cage while I would play with them outside. Last Sunday, we washed their dirty coats, not bathe because they cannot take a bath yet. We just washed their coat with warm soapy water and Irwin would blow dry them. Funny, the eldest who we thought was the bravest and a bully is afraid of the blower.

When in comes to discipline, I realized that I am very permissive, I would let them play outside the cage. The tendency is for them to litter around the house, Irwin doesn't like it because he always cleans the floor. Irwin is the disciplinarian type I guess.

What can I do I have a merciful heart I do not want them suffering but as some parents said "spare the rod, spoil the child", this time I may be spoiling my dogs.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Pet Grooming Review: Pet Span, K-9 Couture and Heavenly Blue

K-9 Couture
I have a Shih Tzu named Cassie and we often would bring her to K-9 Couture for grooming, sometimes if it full and they cannot accommodate her anymore so we would try the other grooming shop. K-9 Couture offers the cheapest grooming service before. We only pay for 300 pesos for Cassie's full grooming. They increased their price to 450 and everybody else's price was 500 but it did not include styling and dematting so it is a little expensive it would cost around 800 for Cassie. That is a cost for a very large dog and Cassie is a princess-type Shih Tzu.
The grooming person is efficient and Cassie always turned out adorable after every grooming.

Pet Span Grooming Shop
So We tried Pet Span, they had a discount of 50 pesos from 550 so you only pay 500 including toothbrushing service for the dogs. They had a very good service. They expanded to another section so they have two shops. We tried the new one because the old was fully booked. It was a clean cut for Cassie but after a few days we've seen a razor cut in her belly. She was itchy for days. The next time we brought her there she had an ear infection that also becomes an eye infection. Her ears were dry after the grooming but when we arrived home, her ears were watery so she developed an otitis media. She was sick for several days we have to give her an antibiotic, an ear drop and an eye drop. I tried calling the Manager informing him of the condition but he just ignored my call. We never go there again.
Heavenly Blue Pet Shop

When the vet discovered the razor cut from Cassie and inquired where we had her groomed, he recommended the Heavenly Blue Shop. So after Cassie gave birth, we brought her there to have a hair cut. We do not like it, she look so poor and thin coupled with sagging breast. She doesn't look cute at all. The cut was not even, I even complained to the person who groomed Cassie. We are not satisfied with the 500 pesos that we paid them. Cassie looked better when we had her groomed at Pet Span. Well, we will try other shop then or maybe Irwin will just groom Cassie himself.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Pregnant Shih Tzu Cassie Gave Birth to Four Puppies

This is not cassie but some information from the web regarding pregnant shih tzu. I got the image from

Can't update my blog, have to be a midwife for a while assisting my pet giving birth to her new puppies yesterday at 5:30 am. We had her x-rayed at Animal Care Specialist to count the number of puppies that she has. From the x-ray it showed that she will have 5 puppies but the x-ray beam was not very clear because she was pregnant and they adjusted the rays. That was aroung 8:30 pm of December 30. The vet told us that she is ready to give birth anytime because one puppy was already in position in her cervix. We saw the xray. We went to our parents house to get a supply of newspaper and cardboard boxes. Irwin prepared the boxes for Cassie that night and Cassie was alredy looking for a place to give birth. She is almost ready, we hoped that she will not give birth that night, fortunately, she give birth the next morning. Irwin saw her edging herself at a corner already panting and having contractions.
WE placed her in the box and after a few minute with lights still out, she give birth to her first born. It was a female and it was very big and strong. I was excited seeing the new puppy, Irwin tied the umbilical cord with dental floss and tried to stimulate the puppy by rubbing it or letting Cassie wipe out the placenta and other stuff. The next baby came out after 7 minutes and the next two at an interval of 30 minutes. It was finished after an hour. we were very happy and tired and proud for our newest member of family. Thank God Cassie survived her first birthing, we really pray that Cassie will have enough milk to feed her babies.
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